Who to notify when moving? One of the most important things you’ll have to do when moving internationally is to inform all the relevant authorities about your relocation. If you fail to do so, many complications could arise that will, in most cases, cost you a lot of money, but even worse, there is even a possibility of being rejected at the border. Situations like these can make people regret their decision to relocate, and there is absolutely no need for that.
The change of address and who to notify issues always go together. Basically, you’ll have to inform all public authorities that you are relocating. Moreover, any private services that you might be subscribed to will also have to be notified. The thing is, this is not at all simple as there are many people and institutions that you’ll have to contact, so it’s quite important to know exactly who to notify when you move.
First Thing – Check All the Requirements of the Country That You’re Relocating To
If you are relocating to a new country, it is best first to check what documents they will require in order to permit entry. Although it differs from country to country, here are the documents that you’ll probably need when moving overseas:
- Permit for staying – In some countries, you’ll receive this document once you have arrived. However, some will require it in advance, so you’ll have to put on your relocating to-do list a visit to your local law enforcement agency and potentially maybe even the embassy.
- Visa – For a visa, it is best to contact the embassy and ask about the rules. When relocating across the world, in some locations, the US passport will be the only document required, but some countries will demand a visa. It’s a good idea to visit the US Department of State official website and inform yourself of how to get a visa.
- Passport – There is no point in booking an international moving company without having a passport. People who are relocating out for the first time often forget to check whether their passports are valid, and no one will grant you entry with an expired one. If you have to renew your passport, you can check the above-mentioned website.
- Vaccination certificate – Don’t forget that we’re relocating during covid. The majority of countries will require some documentation about the vaccination status.
- Pet passports – If you are relocating with pets, some countries will demand from a pet owner to acquire a pet passport.
When Should You Start Changing Your Address When Moving? Inform Everyone on Time, Especially When Relocating With Family
When should you change your address when moving? To give a concrete answer, it is best to start at least four or five weeks prior to relocating. Last-minute relocations do happen, especially when relocating alone, but if you want to relocate efficiently, doing everything in a timely manner is crucial. This is especially important when relocating with children since you’ll have to sort their documentation as well.
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Who to Notify of Address Change? Start by Notifying the US Postal Service
The best way to notify change of address is to visit the USPS official website and fill out all the required forms. In this way, you’ll make sure that all the mail is forwarded to your new location. It often happens that mail arrives at the old home even though the person has relocated. The US Postal Service can forward all your mail for the period of one year, and within this period, hopefully, all services that you’re using will be notified about the relocation.
Proceed to the DMV Office and Get an International Driving License
Which addresses do I need to change when moving? You’ll have to modify the location on your driving license. Before booking international moving services and their overseas auto transport, you should look to obtain an international driving license which is a relocating essential. This license covers almost all countries, but it is not recognized everywhere. So depending on where you’re relocating, it’s best to first check whether you will be allowed to use this license in a particular country before shipping your car overseas.
Who to Notify When Moving? You’ll Have to Inform Your Children’s Schools About Relocation
When relocating with kids, their schools will have to be informed on time. The school will have to prepare necessary documents and reports that the new school in a foreign country will most certainly demand. And, as with all other things, it’s better to put “search for a school in a foreign country” at the top of your relocation checklist since it will certainly require time.
IRS Should Be Notified Immediately About Relocating to Another Country
The law states that if you spend at least six months living and working in a certain foreign country, you won’t have to pay US taxes. Nevertheless, you’ll have to pay US taxes up to that point. However, in order for everything to be legal, you’ll have to fill out various forms. Luckily, they are all available on the official IRS website. If you own the home and plan to sell it or rent it, the IRS will have to be notified about the decision.
Who to Notify of Change of Address? All Financial Institutions That Provide You With Services
Your bank and credit card providers will have to be informed about your relocation. The good news is that some banks provide their services in foreign countries as well, so you might be able to take up some programs for foreign countries. You’ll also have to contact any investment companies that you might have had business dealings with. Failing to do so will most likely result in a lawsuit.

Your Employer and Landlord Have to Know That You Are Relocating
If you have decided to search for a job in a foreign country, the employer has to know that you are quitting on time. However, some employers (especially bigger corporations) offer positions in many foreign countries. Be that as it may, in both cases, the boss has to know about relocation.
The landlord should also be informed on time if you are renting. In this way, you’ll take care of any potential unpaid bills and leave the place without any worries.

Who All Needs to Be Notified When You Move? It’s Important to Inform Insurance Companies and Healthcare Institutions
Before hiring international movers, you should be aware that your present health insurance will not be valid anymore once you have moved to a foreign county. You’ll most likely have to solve this issue in the country you are relocating to, but people relocating because of a job often get health insurance sorted by their employers. You should also inform your personal doctors about relocation and ask them to give your medical reports. This is especially important for people who have a medical condition.
You’ll also have to inform the Social Security Administration office about the relocation. The thing is, your US Social Security Number will not be valid in a foreign country. Nevertheless, you’ll have to fill out a form that will update your current location. Luckily, everything can be done online, and you only have to visit the official Social Security Administration website.
If You Are Relocating With Pets, Make Sure to Inform Your Veterinarian
If you are relocating with your dog, for example, it’s really important to contact your veterinarian. First of all, you can obtain valuable information on how to prepare your pet for relocation. But also, the veterinarian will give you all medical reports, which you will then give to the new vet once you have relocated.

Who Gets Notified When You Change Your Address? Your Utility Providers Must Be Informed About Relocation
Failing to inform utility companies about your relocation is one of the biggest relocation mistakes a person can make since the electricity and other bills will keep arriving even though you’ve relocated. What is more, if you’ve rented the home, subsequent residents might find a way to exploit this situation, and you might end up with big problems. Here are the services that must be informed:
- Energy provider,
- Sanitation and water companies,
- The internet provider,
- Garbage collection service,
- Security or smart home service.
All Membership and Subscriptions Will Probably Have to Be Canceled
When you move, who should you notify? A lot of people forget to add on their checklist the cancellation of membership and subscriptions, yet if you forget to cancel them, the bills will keep arriving. Here are some of the most common service providers:
- Any sort of membership like retail shops, gym, book club, sports,
- Any magazine subscription, although you might check whether a certain magazine has international issues.
- It is also smart to cancel any online subscriptions since a certain service might not be available. All in all, be sure to check.
Don’t Forget to Update the Information on Shopping Sites Like Amazon
It doesn’t matter whether you are relocating to another state or abroad – if you forget to update the location on an online shopping site, the order will not arrive at your new place. And this is quite a common occurrence since a relocation checklist can be quite long, and people often forget about these minor issues that can turn out costly. Here is a useful video on how to update information on Amazon.
Finally, There Are Friends and Family to Inform About the Relocation
This might be the hardest point on your checklist, even though no paperwork is required. Many people experience intense relocation anxiety because of the fact that they are leaving their loved ones behind. Therefore, it is always best to perform all the duties above on time and have the final week or so to dedicate to your family and friends. Indeed, you’ll be able to stay in touch with your friends, but online video chat will never be a proper substitute for a real meeting.

Make Sure to Start Everything on Time, and There Won’t Be Any Relocation Problems
As you have been able to read, there will be a lot of people and institutions to inform before the relocation. There are many wonderful reasons to move, and it is a pity to ruin the experience by forgetting to renew your passport. The issue is that most of these things are basic requirements for a person to successfully move to another country, and failing to meet them will result in unnecessary expenses and other legal problems.