Relocating overseas is a pretty complex process that requires time and energy. Packing is probably the most time-consuming task, so it’s very important to know exactly what to keep when moving to another country and what items are not worth moving at all.
If you’re not sure what belongings to move when relocating overseas, the smartest thing to do is examine your entire house inventory and figure out what things you use the most and consider the most necessary. Only packs stuff that you will certainly be using once you are living in your new apartment abroad. Some of the belongings you should definitely carry over include documents, valuables, personal medication, and toiletries, as well as things that are irreplaceable or hold large sentimental value.
Why You Don’t Need to Pack All of Your Stuff When Relocating
When you are about to start a new life overseas, you should forget about bringing all of your household belongings abroad. If you have never relocated before, you probably feel emotionally attached to your household inventor. While you might want to take everything with you to the new place, this is completely unnecessary.
More importantly, packing up every single piece of furniture can be super complex. Just imagine having to collect packaging materials for all those objects and wrapping each one up to secure it for shipping. It’s wholly tiring and unneeded. That’s why you should carefully think about what to keep and what to throw away. It’s going to help you move more efficiently and with less stress.
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Why It’s Better to Carry Fewer Things When Moving Overseas
Not carrying your entire home inventory across the world has plenty of benefits, and it’s the smartest thing you can do. Knowing exactly what is necessary and what isn’t means you will be boxing up less stuff, which has its own pros. Relocating fewer stuff means:
- You will pay less for shipping and international moving services, which are generally quite pricey. The fewer boxes you have, the less you will pay, which is definitely great for people relocating on a budget and trying to save on relocation expenses.
- You will spend much fewer hours boxing up your belongings and save money on packaging materials. You will spend fewer hours wrapping and securing each item, as well as labeling boxes for the move.
- You will spend fewer hours unpacking after arriving at your home abroad. Unboxing and arranging the apartment you just moved into is a tough process, and if you have less stuff, it will go much faster and easier.
How to Decide What to Keep When Moving Abroad?
Deciding what to take with you and what to throw away can often be really tricky. Here is some question to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to keep something:
- How often do you use this item?
- Does this item work properly?
- How replaceable is this item?
- Do I have enough space for this item?
- Is it complicated to pack and ship this item?
Once you answer these questions, you will realize that you own a lot of stuff in your household that is not worth shipping across the world. Usually, you will want to deal with all the obvious non-essentials first and then take some time to focus on the stuff you are not so sure about. Now, let’s go over a few more valuable tips you should take into consideration.
- Prepare an inventory list of things you plan to move
If you wish to prepare for the move in the best way possible, you should consider creating a relocating to-do list and writing down what stuff you’re planning to move. But what should you keep when moving and what would be your relocating essentials?
Having a list of all your goods written on paper could help you think about each item and wonder how necessary it is to carry it. Consider whether each of those pieces is worth moving internationally.
- Declutter and sort out each room before packing
Decluttering your old house before the move is one of the essential relocating hacks and a task you must not skip when relocating. You probably have tons of stuff lying around the house that you’ve forgotten about. Obviously, there is no need to ship them.
That’s why it’s recommended that you start inspecting each room in your house and discard everything that’s either too old or unnecessary. It’s best to first begin by decluttering rooms you don’t use that often, such as the basement, the attic, and similar storage rooms.
- Figure out what can fit in your new house and purge the rest
When preparing a list of belongings you want to carry abroad, think about the size of your new house or apartment you will be living in. Figure out whether you are going to have enough space for storing all the goods you wish to ship there.
If you are relocating from a house to an apartment, be aware of the fact that downsizing for the move is necessary. You do not want to make a relocating mistake of boxing up and shipping goods that can’t even fit in your place abroad.
Can’t Decide if Something Is Worth Keeping? Consider Booking Storage Services
While you are figuring out how to arrange all the stuff in your new apartment, you can consider booking a storage service. You will see that storage is super helpful once you arrive at the planned destination. You will find yourself wondering – what do I do with all my stuff when I move, and will I be able to unpack it all at once? In this case, you can leave some packages in the storage units while you prepare enough space for them in the apartment.

What Should You Keep When Moving?
It is super important to know what are some of the items you’ll definitely require when relocating to a new home overseas. If you are struggling to figure out and remember what belongings are the most important, consider packing up some generally useful things first. Here’s a list of everything you should definitely consider keeping and packing for the relocation:
- Electronic devices and chargers,
- Bed sheets and pillows,
- First aid kit,
- Medications you use daily,
- Toolkit,
- Toiletries,
- Valuables (including money),
- Essential and irreplaceable documents,
- Basic kitchen appliances and supplies,
- Some non-perishable foods and pet food,
- Children’s favorite toys,
- Some important books.
Prepare the Stuff That Should Be Constantly by Your Side
Not all stuff should be packed up into boxes for shipping over the sea. Certain goods must stay by your side the entire time during the relocation process and the trip. These things are usually precious pieces and necessary documentation, money, and credit cards.
All your personal belongings should be by your side because you will need them throughout the trip. Be sure to organize your documents for the move and keep them somewhere near you. Under no circumstances should you place your identification documents, passports, licenses, money, or expensive items such as jewelry and other valuables in packages for shipping.

Consider Saving a Few Old Things With Sentimental Value
Many people will advise you to always keep an item that has a great sentimental value to you and your family. But what if you feel like this about most of the stuff in your home? How to choose which sentimental stuff to keep and which ones to discard? Think about why you want to hold on to it and whether it’s truly necessary to save that thing to remember certain memories.
If you have too many belongings with sentimental value that you just can not carry to the place abroad, you can consider gifting them to someone you know. Ask your friends and family members whether they are willing to keep those pieces, so you do not have to carry them with you and ship them overseas.

Keep Only the Clothes You Actually Wear
Your closets are one thing you should declutter a few times a year, especially when you are considering relocating abroad. If you have tons of clothing pieces in your house, you should start sorting them and figuring out what to keep and what to sell when moving. Consider where you’re relocating to, the weather there, and for how long you will be staying.
Create piles of all your clothes, and start sorting out which you should keep, which you should sell, and which you should donate. Keep only the clothes you actually wear on a daily basis and which fit you. Leave the stuff that is damaged, small, and rarely worn.
Selling clothes online is super easy, and you can do this if you wish to earn some extra money during relocation. If you wish to donate your clothes to the ones in need, you can contact the Goodwill organization. They will make sure that your clothes will end up somewhere where they are needed.
Here’s a video that offers exciting tips on wardrobe decluttering and organization. It could maybe help you with decluttering your own closet for the relocation.
Get Rid of All the Prohibited Items Which International Movers Won’t Move
When you are relocating to another country, you should be aware that there are certain things that are prohibited from shipping overseas. Each country has its own rules and regulations, and there is stuff you must not bring to their country, or you will end up in a problematic situation.
If you’re hiring an international moving company, they can help you answer the question – of which items you must not pack for the move. Many objects and supplies are forbidden for shipping, such as hazardous and flammable materials, perishable or expired foods, and plants. Ask your international mover – what should I purge before moving? It’s better to get rid of them on time than to have problems later.
Let Movers Help You Pack and Move All the Things You Want to Keep
Having to decide what to keep and what to pack for the move is already stressful enough. By the time you are finished with this process, you will probably already be tired, and this is just the beginning. This is why it’s always wise to contact and hire professional assistants and movers that are going to make it easier for you with their packing service.
Professional movers will make the whole relocation process more manageable, and you won’t stress so much about each task. Especially when it comes to shipping and delivering your belongings, they will be super careful and make sure everything arrives on time safely. So do not hesitate to contact them and book their services.

Your Move Will Go Much Smoother Once You’re Familiar With Sorting and Know What Stuff Is Worth Keeping
Organizing and planning each step of the process will make your relocation much easier and less stressful. If you wish everything to go smoothly, hire professional movers and carefully plan out your inventory list. Once everything is organized, you can sit back and relax. You will have more space and energy to plan your next activities once you arrive at your destination. You will be able to step into the next chapter of your life much more energetically.