What do I need to do before moving abroad? If you are relocating on a tight schedule, the answer to this question might seem overwhelming at first glance. However, there is no need to worry. There is a standard American moving abroad checklist that has guided many people before you to a successful relocation.
Moving Abroad Checklist Is Among the Most Helpful Things Relocating Overseas
When moving overseas, you’ll be faced with a lot of different tasks. Add time limitations, and if you haven’t organized the move properly, there might be some serious issues. Therefore, having an international moving checklist is an absolute relocating essential. Ideally, you should start writing one at least two months before moving internationally, but circumstances can be
different, and people often find themselves in situations where they have to act more quickly. Either way, it would be a huge relocation mistake not to have a checklist for moving abroad.
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First, Determine Whether the Cost of Living in the New Country Will Be Suitable for You
How much money should I save before moving abroad? One of the most important relocation tips for all people who are relocating for the first time and have to act quickly because of a schedule is to determine all potential sources of expenses, from tax-paying to grocery shopping. Therefore, you will have to sit down and do some research. Fortunately, everything is pretty much available on the internet, and you can visit websites like Numbeo and see exactly the cost of living, tax rates, and other information about a certain place.
It’s Also a Good Idea to Research the Culture and Environment
You have probably heard about the term “culture shock,” which accompanies every international relocation. Well, if you want to break the language barrier more easily and, overall, adapt more quickly to the new environment, it is necessary to get to know at least some basic facts about the culture and start learning the language as well. All these things are, nowadays, available for free on the internet, and all that is needed is a little bit of effort.
When Moving to a Foreign Country, It’s Helpful to Contact the Expat Community
How much does an international move cost? There is no better way to find an answer to this question than to ask people who have already gone through the relocation process and settled in a particular location. One of the best relocation hacks is to contact the expat communities and ask them about anything that interests you. People will be more than willing to help, and you’ll get a clear picture of the relocation process in general.
You Have to Start Searching for a Job Immediately if You Don’t Have One
Before you start searching for an international moving company, your employment status needs to be settled first. Some people relocate because of their work (usually companies offer foreign offices to their employees,) and they will certainly have a clearer understanding of their financial situation (companies often offer health insurance plans, cover travel expenses, and some even cover housing expenses).
On the other hand, if you are relocating without a job, the situation is a bit more difficult, but it is nothing too serious. You just have to start searching for employment immediately after deciding to relocate across the world. The internet will be your main source of information, and with enough persistence, you’ll most likely find the work you desire. But, even if that is not the case, there will be many interesting bridge jobs available to provide income until the right opportunity appears. Here is a video on how to start searching for a job abroad.
Are You Relocating Alone, With a Pet, or With Family? A Suitable Home Has to Be Found
One of the main reasons to move to a foreign country is a better and more affordable home. Be that as it may, you have to invest effort in order to find one, and it is the same as with jobs. You’ll have to meticulously browse through numerous internet ads and discover the most suitable houses or apartments. Luckily, the internet is a true friend when it comes to relocations on tight schedules. You’ll be able to gain a lot of information quickly without much effort.
A lot will depend on whether you are relocating alone, with a pet, or with someone else since you’ll have to accommodate the needs of your loved ones as well. However, rent will, without any doubt, be the most important factor since it will be your highest expense. Although a particular house or apartment might be perfect for you and your family, if you see that your monthly income will suffer, there is no point in renting such a home. People who are relocating alone often search for roommates in order to make a home affordable. Still, this isn’t always the best solution, especially if you are eager to begin living independently. It’s best to search for a modest home in the beginning.

You Have to Make a Moving Abroad Packing Checklist
What to bring when moving countries? This question may pose a lot of problems if you are in a hurry. In order to relocate efficiently, you’ll need to decide what possessions will be taken to the new location. There are no strict rules here. However, if you want to reduce relocation costs, the best thing to do is downsize your inventory as much as you can. Even so, a moving abroad packing list will most likely have the following items:
- Furniture, kitchen and bathroom appliances,
- Kitchenware,
- Clothes,
- Electronics,
- Toiletry.
How much does it cost to ship your belongings overseas? The answer to this question will depend on the size of your inventory and the method of shipping. All in all, it will certainly cost less to ship all needed household items than to buy new ones in a foreign country.
How Do You Move All Your Stuff to Another Country? The Best Way Is to Hire International Movers
In theory, you could try to plan everything by yourself and hire each relocation service individually, but that would most certainly turn out to be completely cost-ineffective. Reputable international moving services will offer everything you need for a successful relocation. Moreover, this is probably the fastest way to sort your relocation if you’re schedule is tight. Nonetheless, here are the most important things when it comes to relocating your belongings:
- Packing – Your belongings will have to travel a lot which means that it is absolutely necessary to prepare each and every item for transport. Basically, you’ll have to apply the necessary packing materials in order to make sure that nothing will break during transport. All in all, this entails a lot of work. Professional relocating crews can offer you packing service and take care of everything.
- Storage – When relocating overseas, your belongings will have to be placed in storage units. It is absolutely essential that storage units are in good condition, and renowned relocating crews always have top-quality storage service.
- Car shipping – There is no reason to relocate without your vehicle. However, in order to do so, you’ll need an auto transport service that will secure your vehicle for transportation.
- Insurance – Finally, when relocating internationally, it’s necessary to have insurance for your belongings. After all, they will have to cross a long distance, and accidents do happen. Good relocating companies will offer you different types of relocating insurance.
Make Sure to Get All the Needed Documents for Traveling Internationally
Imagine being rejected at the border because you didn’t have a certain document. Relocating on a tight schedule is demanding, but organizing all the important documents for traveling abroad is absolutely necessary and should be at the top of your relocating to-do list. Here are the most important documents:
- Passport – Without a valid passport, you can’t go anywhere. If you have to renew or get a new one, you can visit the official US Department of State website.
- Visa – Some countries require a travel visa, and some don’t. Either way, there is no point in guessing, and it is best to contact the consulate and ask. If you have to apply for a visa, the official US Department of State website again has all the required information and application forms.
- Covid certificate – Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, covid certificate has become a necessary requirement to enter most countries.
- Pet paperwork – If you are relocating with dogs, for example, some countries will require the so-called pet passports.
Who Do I Need to Notify When I Move Abroad?
Don’t forget that you’ll have to notify all your local authorities and service providers before relocating anywhere. Not doing so could potentially create some unnecessary expenses or even worse, create some legal problems. Here is what you need to do:
- The US Postal Service needs to be notified about the change of address. Everything can be done from their official website.
- The DMV has to be informed, and if you plan on driving in a foreign country, an international driving license will be required.
- The IRS will have to be notified in order to sort all remaining US tax obligations. All forms are available on their website.
- All financial institutions have to be notified. Banks often have international programs, so you might be able to extend your current program or upgrade it to an international one.
- Health insurance provider needs to be notified. There are certain health insurance providers that can offer traveling insurance, but you will most likely have to apply to the health care system of the country that you’re relocating to.
- Employer and landlord will have to be informed. If you have to quit the job, you should notify the employer in a timely manner in order to fulfill all obligations. Your landlord should also know about the relocation so as to solve any issue concerning damages or bills.
- Utility providers have to be informed unless you want bills addressed on your behalf coming to your address, even though you are located on the other side of the world.
- If you are relocating with kids, schools have to be informed in order to give all the necessary documentation needed for foreign educational institutions.
- If you are relocating with pets, the veterinarian has to be informed about the relocation. First of all, a vet will give valuable information on how to prepare your pet for the journey, but also, the veterinarian has to give all the needed medical records and documentation.
Spend Time With Your Friends and Family Before the Relocation
Although this is not mandatory for crossing the border, you’ll probably regret not spending enough moments with your loved ones. No matter how much in a hurry you are, dedicate at least some time to your parents and friends. Depression after the relocation is a real thing, and it helps a lot to know that you are parting on good terms with everyone.
Stick to the Plan, and Everything Will Be Fine
As you can see, there are quite a few things that have to be done before relocation. That is why having a to-do list and schedule is very important. People panic a lot and begin to think that they will not have enough time to do everything. However, often the reason behind relocation stress is the fact that there is no organization, and that is exactly what a relocation to-do list provides.